Chromogenic TAL Assay EC64405

TAL reagent, i.e. the lyophilized amebocyte lysate extracted from the blue blood of horseshore crab (Limulus polyphemus or Tachypleus tridentatus), is always employed to do bacterial endotoxins test.

At Xieman Bioendo Technology Co., Ltd., we manufacturer kits to perform the end-point chromogenic TAL assay, which include all of the reagents necessary for BET through a change in color development, and allow the customer to obtain accurate results in a short period.

Principles of end-point chromogenic detection with TAL reagent are that: enzymatic reaction happens when bacterial endotoxins activate factor C, and coagulase is formed accordingly. Then coagulase splits colorless substrate to releasing a yellow-colored product pNA. The released pNA could be measured photometrically at 405nm. Since the absorbance is positively correlated with the endotoxin concentration, the endotoxin concentration could be quantified accordingly.

EC64405, i.e. BioendoTM EC Endotoxin Test Kit (End-point Chromogenic Assay), is an end-point Chromogenic TAL assay kit that could be applied to do quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin present in a sample. A EC64405 kit produced by Bioendo allows 64 tests, and the sensitivity ranks from 0.1 EU/ml to 1 EU/ml. Bioendo’s EC64405 contains all reagents needed for an end-point chromogenic assay. Since we also have endotoxin-free or pyrogen-free accessories, we could also packed the kit based on what you need.

Incubating Microplate Reader is required for end-point chromogenic assay. Our incubating microplate reader ELx808IULALXH allows different samples to be detected in 96-well microplate at the same time and will analyze the endotoxin detection automatically and accurately.


Post time: Sep-15-2019

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